
Resourcing and Talent Management

Introduction to Resourcing and Talent Management

Succession planning is the process of determining and developing internal staff members of a company with the motive to fill key leadership positions of the organization and in turn it acts as a development tool for the business. The process of succession planning is beneficial for overall growth and development of the workforce, directly leading to favorable outcomes for the organization. These outcomes include developing potential successors for key positions that are present within the workplace. On the other hand, the concept of career management is also effective whereby each organization applies larger efforts in order to work for the development of career of HR professionals and employees. Also, succession planning facilitates to maximize availability of experienced and capable workforce so as to bring improvement in the personality of individual. Furthermore, career management ensure lifelong learning among workforce which help them to achieve organizational objectives in given time frame. In this regard number of techniques and approaches such as self-managed learning, on the job training are provided.

The main purpose of current essay is to elaborate the importance of succession planning and career development in an organization. This will cover the overall aspect of corporation for ensuring personnel management by introducing best practices at workplace. It enables corporation to ensure continuous learning among employees and fill the higher position with experience employees of organization. Similarly, career development programs are explained in the essay so as to improve service quality and increase customer base for corporation.

Significance of succession planning and career management for HR professionals

Bell states that the concept of succession planning is linked with ensuring the right people are chosen for the right jobs. It serves as the most effective sources of recruitment for higher position of an organization. Not only this but use of succession planning company can effectively utilize existing as well as experienced employees for higher position. This is because it reduced need to approach external sources to a great extent. Here, career management serve as the part of succession planning under which workforce go through continuous learning and one the job training. This two aspect work together so that wellbeing of corporation as well as employees can be determined. However, it might create non-monetary cost for company by taking long time in succession planning. Although, career management do not at all affect current performance of corporation even it just provide immense support in better management of business activities.

Further, it incorporates a wide range of human resource management functions, such as performance management, training and development, recruitment etc. According to Hassan career development programs which cater to the professional needs of employees’ and their career growth serve as a good motivation, it also increases the levels of satisfaction and improves their performance in the workplace. It will also retain its staff, which enhances overall organizational performance. This requires corrective actions to be taken so that the company can work in favor of its employees, including HR professionals.

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However, Khan and Sheikh argued that the main responsibility of HR professionals is to hire staff members, coordinate promotions and reassignments, manage employee relations and administer pay along with benefits.  One of the most effective ways to deal with the unfavorable situation such as employee turnover etc. is to undertake the practice of succession planning and career development through which the business can easily perform better and this can also allow in gaining a competitive advantage.

Apart from this, talent management is regarded as the organizational key to success, through retaining the skilled workforce it is possible for business enterprises to work for the betterment of its staff members and this enhances their satisfaction level. Further, succession planning has many advantages which every business considers, as they support in determining successors’ leadership needs, assist in the development of strategic HR leadership plans and supports in building relationships. These advantages of succession planning explain the importance of it in making full utilization of an organization’s human capital in an appropriate manner, as well as determining the effective ways through which career development plans can be carried out, to develop the HR professionals who play a significant role in the company. This way, businesses can easily meet the expectations of their target markets.

There are different models of succession planning in order to handle succession planning scenario such as planned transition and deterioration in confidence as well as continuous process of corporation to fill the higher position in future by filling appropriate candidate internally. At this juncture, three practices such as benchmark, looking to future and keep it dynamic. The first practice is benchmark under which hr professionals continuously work on risk management process. It facilitates to gather detail information related to those who are performing good and has potential to fill higher vacant position. Such kind of decision are taken in consent of board members so as to ensure inclusion of appropriate person on higher position like CEO or HR manager. Furthermore, model or practice of benchmark proves to be effective in preparing in-depth profile of potential leader. Here, employers need to set appropriate benchmark as per the requirement of corporation along with setting standards with regard to organizational culture.

The second model or practice is of look to the future under which board as well as HR professionals look for best leader including competitive organizations. This process takes extensive time so as to fulfill future growth and vision. In addition to this, third approach is keep it dynamic under which hr professionals contentiously change their succession plan in accordance with risk profile, leadership knowledge. This continuous updation in plan facilitates to carry out job effectively in order achieve long as well as short term objectives. At this juncture, it is very important for employers to assess uncertainty which could take place in future time span. At last, as per the opinion looking to the future is the most effective model of succession planning so that management can prepare list of potential candidates who can acquire higher position in the marketplace. It will attract employees positively and will create positive work environment. Also, use of such kind of strategies such as succession planning and career management play vital role in increasing interest of workforce towards their work.

Steps in succession planning

In order to implement practices of succession planning, business enterprises follow series of steps which start with HR planning, to determine the skills they require and predict how many staff members are leaving the company for unavoidable reasons, such as retirement, as members of the business may leave unexpectedly due to retirement, death or any other circumstances. Next stage is associated with determining the need of leaders for higher position and developing list of candidates who possess enough qualities to fill the vacancies. In this stage qualities as well as skills of every staff member is considered. However, information related to potential will be gathered through recent job analysis, abilities and career interests of particular leader. It will help to determine individual growth through promotion etc. This stage is regarded to be the most important where the actual development of the professionals working in the company takes place. Next stage is developing managers, through activities such as job rotation, education, international assignments, training and development of HR professionals linked with their performance etc. In the next stage, identification of the career path takes place; Hr professionals and board members make effective plans so that the level of skills and knowledge of professionals can be enhanced easily. These are some of the key stages considered in succession planning by which company and HR professionals can easily get suitable person on vacant position.

Working as a HR professional in an organization, I have acquired different types of knowledge which have supported me in my career development. In this regard, I know that it is very important for all corporations to take initiative related to succession planning and career development. However, career development is more imperative aspect in order to keep workforce updated with current requirement. I have worked for organization as HR professional where my main area of responsibility involves hiring workforce and determining their actual needs. My previous employer has strongly implemented the concept of succession planning through which my career goals have been accomplished easily and in an effective manner. This helped me achieve my main target, which is to enhance the level of my HR skills, so that I can perform better in the field of HR. So, my personal goals have been accomplished through the training and development sessions organized by the firm, they have supported me to learn new things. Apart from this, I have been provided appropriate growth opportunities within the workplace such as promotions, which enhanced my confidence, as well as satisfaction level.

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There are three approaches of succession planning such as; choosing internal candidates and recruitment of a new candidate externally. These approaches play an important role in selecting the right person for the vacant position in the company. Selecting an internal candidate for a vacant position saves cost and tim. This is because if an organization selects an internal candidate, that particular candidate will not take much of the management’s time to understand policies, culture and environment of the organization. On the other hand, external recruitment to fill high positions requires the company to devote extensive time and other related resources in preparing the new employees. Where I used to work, I filled the position of a business associate; later on, management provided me a non-monetary reward in the form of a promotion. However, my succession planning started long before that, when I was assigned to provide daily guidance to another person. At that time, my succession planning has begun. During that tenure I faced many problems related to time management and knowledge because I had to manage my work as well as the person whose responsibility was given to me. However, I learned from my mistakes and ultimately I became capable enough to manage my work as well as the person working under my supervision. Therefore, I believe career development is another aspect wherein employees are provided a chance to develop their overall personality. Therefore, organizations should provide several kinds of learning opportunities for the continuous development of employees. Also, employees must use their spare time wisely to access other sources of information, to enhance their learning. Furthermore, I expect that every corporation should support their workforce by providing regular training and assessing their performance on the basis of communicated criteria. Career development and succession planning are beneficial in terms of organization growth. However, succession planning can be critical for organizations because a certain number of employees are going through the same succession planning at the same time. On the other hand, career development enhances the learning of the workforce and provides the opportunity to develop them within the business. It can help corporations build a strong position in the marketplace and create a unique identity in the market so as to attract employee Apart from this, career development is the key to long term growth, because in the long run a company can effectively reduce the cost of production and enhance the flow of production. Thus, by gaining information regarding career development program I can effectively provide suggestions to organization where in intend to work or in my own organization. This aspect enables me to create my recognition at workplace and create competitive edge of the corporation in the marketplace. Also by using career development program I can effectively use appropriate strategies at workplace to enhance level of skills and knowledge of existing workforce. In addition to this, I am doing CIPD for gaining in-depth knowledge with regards to proper management of personnel in organization. It assists me to understand the need of employees and meet the same by using effective strategies for their motivation, continuous learning and career development. Apart from this, by doing this course I will be able to bring improvement in my own personality by considering need of organization where I work or intend to work.


The aforementioned essay concludes that both practices such as succession planning and career management are very important in current business environment. These aspects give positive image of organization among potential employees. However, organization should incorporate views and ideas of personnel while designing its training approaches It boosts morale of employees and retains them with their employers for long time. Apart from this, employees should be communicated regarding the career management program and should be motivated for the same with introduction of effective strategies. Furthermore, HR professionals should implement practices of succession planning and career management with proper flow of communication among employees. This will make easy for corporation to assess potential of employees and provide them training to grab higher position with best fit. This contributes towards ensuring appropriate work culture and meeting expectation of existing employees in most effective manner. Also, career management or development program are the key to motivate current employees and enables them to contribute their best towards success of company.

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  • Armstrong, M., 2006. Strategic Human Resource Management a Guide to Action. Thomson-Shore Inc.
  • Bell, G., 2012. Playing the HR field: An interview with R. Wayne Pace, founding president of the Academy of Human Resource Development, and author of Human Resource Development: The Field. Human Resource Management International Digest.
  • Belout, A. and Gauvreau, C., 2004. Factors influencing project success: the impact of human resource management. International journal of project management.
  • Berman, E. M. and et. al., 2012. Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage.
  • Bloom, M., 2004. The ethics of compensation systems. Journal of Business Ethics.
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